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PP40 Ambulance Access Route - Reigate, Surrey

Gravel Paver - Case Study

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Old Reigatian Rugby Club had a worn and tired access route to the clubhouse that was in need of upgrading, as well as their existing grassed spectator area in front of the clubhouse which had become rutted and bare due to year-round footfall. This grassed area also needed to allow emergency access and parking for ambulances so it was essential that it could take the substantial weight.

Old Reigatian Rugby Club wanted a cost-effective solution which was easy to maintain and in-keeping with their surroundings.


PP40 was chosen over other permeable pavers due to its integral ground spikes for extra resistance to dislocation, its strength and its open structure which allows strong entanglement of the grass with the paver.

The open structure also helps gravel to lock in place and resist displacement. PP40 will produce an extremely strong and robust working surface.


Once the work had been completed, the rugby club had an access route to the clubhouse that they now rely on which fits in with its surroundings.

The access road and grass area are both fully permeable and don't add any potential risk to local flooding. They comply with the new planning regulations regarding sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) and no extra drainage was required for both areas - resulting in no additional costs incurred.

The spectator area is safe and can now withstand most weather conditions. When the grass has fully grown and entangled with the PP40 permeable pavers, it will have an appearance of a landscaped grass area which keeps pace with local demands for the natural areas.

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