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Feather Edge Boards

Feather edge boards are used to create strong and sturdy closeboard fencing panels when attached to fencing rails.  The boards are sawn from one 125mm x 22mm board cut diagonally... read more

27 Items

Feather Edge Board | 125mm x 22mm - 2EX | Brown Treated
Not yet reviewed
  • SKU: 200348-878576
  • Weight: 0.5kg-7.5kg
  • Length: 900mm, 1.2m, 1.5m, 1.65m, 1.8m, 2.4m
  • Thickness: 22mm (2ex)
Feather Edge Board | 125mm x 22mm - 2EX | Green Treated
Not yet reviewed
  • SKU: 200324-873472
  • Weight: 0.5kg-2kg
  • Length: 1.2m, 900mm, 2.4m, 1.8m, 1.65m, 1.5m
  • Thickness: 22mm (2ex)
  • Colour: Green

27 Items


Feather edge boards are used to create strong and sturdy closeboard fencing panels when attached to fencing rails.  The boards are sawn from one 125mm x 22mm board cut diagonally to create a thick end (approx. 15mm) which tapers down to a thinner end (6mm).  For a secure fence, we would recommend a minimum of 1 inch overlap when constructing a closeboard panel with a minimum of 3 backing rails.

As BSW Timber Crown Distributors, all Suregreen’s feather edge boards are from PEFC-certified and FSC-certified sources, meaning you can rest assured knowing that you are purchasing sustainable timber.  Better yet, these feather edge boards are tanalised pressure treated in green (natural) or brown, providing long-lasting protection against fungal decay, insect attack and rot.