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Trackturf Loading Bay Overrun Areas - Ashford, Kent

Ground Reinforcement Products - Case Study


A new building had been built by a brewery company on derelict land in Ashford, Kent. To gain their planning permission, the brewery needed to ensure that the new building would conform to the latest SuDS requirements (Sustainable urban Drainage Systems) and would obtain the best BREEAM rating possible (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) by having a low environmental impact. As part of this, the areas adjacent to the proposed loading bays needed to be able to manage the dynamic loadings imposed by overrun trafficking of forklifts and trucks weighing up 32 tonnes. All of these possible overrun areas needed to require little or no maintenance and to be secure in all weathers and temperatures.


Trackturf 200mm was chosen to create and reinforce these overrun areas. Trackturf is made up of specially chosen soils and carefully designed mesh elements which, when mixed together and compacted, allow infrequent movements by HGV vehicles without deformation and rutting. It also has a natural grassed finish which means it will have a much lower visual impact than concrete or tarmac.


Using Trackturf meant that the requirements of the client could be fully met. The overrun areas that were created using Trackturf are fully permeable, won't contribute to water runoff, and look just like any other natural grassed area. This also meant that there were no additional or increased costs as the client didn't need to install extra drainage on site, and the ecological impact was kept as low as feasible. The new overrun areas require little to no maintenance and remain secure in all weathers and temperatures.
