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PP50 Year-Round Car Park - Guernsey Airport

Plastic Gravel Grid - Case Study

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Guernsey Aero Club is a growing and busy club using Guernsey Airport. For many years, a section of scrubland was their car park - but this meant that sometimes there were difficult parking issues during times of poor or extreme weather. On top of this, the membership of the club was growing quickly which meant that pressure was being put on the available parking area. Guernsey Aero Club needed a low-maintenance car park that could be used all year round, with a life expectancy of at least 20 years. Whatever the solution, it needed to be able to get through tough planning regulations regarding water run-off.


PP50 gravel grids were chosen to meet the above requirements of the client. A fully porous, robust, durable and hard-working surface was generated and finished using a mixed size angular gravel. We provide best practice guidelines to ensure successful design and installation - please see these technical guides here.


Guernsey Aero Club now has a fully permeable car park that will cope with busy, frequent parking and can be used all year round. The overall installation costs were very competitive compared to other hardstanding solutions and caused minimal disruption. The PP50 solution does not create any water runoff, not only saving on drainage costs but also keeping within planning guidelines.

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