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Frequently Asked Questions on Fence Posts

Why choose Suregreen fencing posts? We at Suregreen pride ourselves on supplying quality timber fencing posts that is strong and long-lasting. When going in for treatment we ensure that the chemical balance and treatment process is specified for the type of softwood used to create the posts. This provides a quality treatment that ensures our timber posts last for many years in almost any environment.

Does the wood require further treatment or staining?Our timber posts do not require any further treatment and are ready to be installed upon delivery. We recommend that you avoid cutting the timber as this can expose untreated areas however if this cannot be avoided then please ensure that you use wood stain or preservative on and around the cut surface.

Is Suregreen fencing posts safe for use around children?The treated timber is perfectly safe to use around children and playgrounds. The chemicals, once absorbed in to the timber, become safe for humans, animals and the environment.

Is tanalised timber safe around pets and fish ponds?The timber is safe around pets and should not cause any harm, even if chewed. Using our timber around fish and ponds is safe to a degree however we strongly recommend that the timber does not make direct contact with the water of the pond. Fish are very sensitive animals and the timber may cause a change to the environment that could cause distress.

Can I use Suregreen timber posts in nature reserves?Our timber is perfectly safe to use around any wildlife and will not have an environmental impact on the surrounding area.

Can I use galvanised treated steel directly on tanalised treated wood? The galvanising process is something used on steel products to help protect them from the elements, much like the tanalising treatment on timber products. Attaching galvanised steel straight to treated timber will not cause any issues to ether product. We even recommend using galvanised u-nails to attach fencing to the posts.

Is the timber safe to make raise beds or compost bins? As we supply it, the timber is perfectly safe; the preserved timber can be used for raised beds or compost bins and will cause no issues in terms of the organic status of the soil. However, timber often has to be cut to make such structures. These newly exposed areas will require treatment and we cannot guarantee that any external preservative or stains will be safe. 

What is the difference between dip-treated and pressure-treated timber? None of Suregreen’s timber products are dip-treated, although the timber is still treated using the same or very similar chemicals. During the dip-treat process the preservative is simply brushed on to the external faces of the timber. The tanalised pressure treatment ensures that the preservative gets deep in to the timber and ensures a superior protection and longer life for the timber.

What if I need to cut the posts? We recommend that cutting the wood is avoided where possible. Although it is perfectly safe to cut the timber, it can leave untreated and exposed areas. These areas will require further treatment with wood stain or preservative, otherwise it could leave vulnerable sections on the timber that may cause the whole post to fail. 

What colour will the posts be? This sounds like a strange question, however to those familiar with tanalised wood will know that the timber can be delivered in a few different colours depending on what type of softwood is used and when the wood was treated. When the wood has first undergone the tanalised treatment, it often takes on a green colour. This will soon fade to a golden brown and can eventually leave a subtle grey/ silver finish to the posts. The colour differences will all fade and become less pronounced over time however we cannot guarantee that any of our posts will be the exact same colour.  

Should there be splits in the timber? This is a commonly asked question, as people often fear any splits may be a product fault that could lead to a shorter lifespan or a structural failure. This is not the case. Timber is a natural product and when wood undergoes the drying and treatment process splits can develop. When the timber is first cut it can often consist of almost 50% water. By the time it gets to our customers the water level is often closer to 20-25%. Often, these splits can change over time with some closing and others opening usually being impacted by the weather. Periods of prolonged dry weather throughout summer can often result in more splits within the timber as the water content within the post drops. The tanalised treatment ensures the preservative has penetrated deep into the timber so these splits are very unlikely to cause any structural or longevity issues. However, if you are unsure please contact us for more information and assistance. How much are fencing posts? Wooden fencing posts can vary dramatically in price depending on the application they are needed for. The price difference does not just come down to the length or diameter of the post, but also the type of wood and the preservative treatment the timber has undergone. The most common fencing posts in the UK are tanalised or pressure treated softwood posts which depending on size and quantity ordered the price can range from £1 to £15 a post.

Are fencing posts pressure treated? The vast majority of fencing posts are pressure treated in some form, however, some such as dip-treated are not pressure treated and do not offer the same levels of protection. All Suregreen fencing posts are tanalised pressure treated, making them ideal for a wide range of applications such as garden fencing and agricultural stock fencing.

What size fencing posts do I need? This would obviously depend on the desired height of the fence, please bear in mind that a section of the fencing posts will need to be buried. As a general rule, we recommend that between 1/3 and 1/4 of the post is buried in the ground to ensure the fences stability. For a 1.8m (6ft) fence we would recommend nothing shorter than a 2.4m (8ft) fencing post. However, your exact requirements can often depend on a variety of factors such as the required height of the fence, the ground conditions and type of soil, the tension of the fence, the weight of the fence and more; we advise that you contact us if you are unsure on what post size is required.   

How many fencing posts do I need? The number of posts required does depend on the type of fencing and the surrounding environment, However, in general terms, we recommend that post are installed no more than 2.5m to 3m apart. Your exact requirements can often depend on a variety of factors such as the ground conditions and type of soil, the tension of the fence, the weight of the fence and more. We advise that you contact us if you are unsure about your requirements.  

How long will pressure treated wood last in the ground? The exact longevity of the wood is difficult to precisely quote as it depends heavily on the type of wood, the type of preservative treatment used on the timber and the environment the fencing posts are installed in. Suregreen fencing posts have a quoted life expectancy of 8 to 15 years. 

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