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Bird Netting - Premium Crop and Pond Netting

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SKU 431339-431346
Weight 0.8kg-3.5kg
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Features and benefits

  • Plastic netting with a 10-12mm mesh hole size to keep birds out
  • Crop and pond netting is manufactured from UV-stabilised, rot-free plastic
  • Supplied in easy-to-handle folded packs
  • The premium version of anti-bird netting - 35g/m²
  • This plastic netting can also easily be installed to fruit cage frames
If you require to stop all butterflies, we would suggest using our anti-butterfly netting. This netting has a smaller mesh hole size of 8mm.
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Full specification

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SKU 431339-431346
Weight 0.8kg-3.5kg

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Suregreen's Premium Crop and Pond Netting is a heavy-grade, stronger mesh that is ideal for crop protection and pond protection.

Crop and pond plastic netting can be used to protect fruit, vegetables and crops from birds including pigeons and ground animals. The netting is 35g/m² in weight which is over two times heavier than most standard plastic anti-bird nettings. This ensures that the netting is stronger, longer lasting and is suitable for protecting ponds from birds, animals and leaves.

Premium crop and pond plastic netting is manufactured from black polypropylene plastic and has a rectangular mesh hole size of 10-12mm. It's also been UV-stabilised so that it can be used year after year. Although a heavier grade, crop and pond netting is a lightweight, stretched plastic net which has square holes, producing a high-tensile strength product that doesn't stretch or deform.

Crop and Pond netting is supplied 2m wide in 10m and 50m lengths. Each pack is folded and easy to handle and install.

Technical information

  • Approx. 12mm x 12mm diamond mesh hole
  • Manufactured from UV-stabilised plastic
  • Weight of 35g/m²
  • Please note that due to the 12mm holes, some small butterflies may still be able to pass through. Please see our anti-butterfly mesh for more appropriate sizes.