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MOT Type 1 Sub Base | SHW Clause 803 | 800kg

(SKU: 998468)

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SKU 998468
Weight 800kg
Length 850mm
Height 850mm
Size 600L
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Features and benefits

  • Often a cheap way of making temporary roadways or paths
  • Will generally give a flat surface even after compaction
  • Will not over compact when trafficked by pedestrians or cars
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Full specification

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SKU 998468
Weight 800kg
Length 850mm
Height 850mm
Size 600L
Rock Type Limestone
Particle size 40mm to dust
Coverage 8m2 approx (at 50mm depth)

Further information

MOT Type 1 limestone is used commonly as a sub-base for paths, drives, patios, and many other construction jobs.  MOT Type 1 is used to provide long term stability and support so the wearing coat on the surface will not buckle or deform. MOT Type 1 is very angular in shape and so after compaction the particles will lock and key to each other.  MOT Type 1 is very favoured because after compaction a very even surface can often be achieved.

The main uses of MOT Type 1 are:

  • As a subbase for many applications including driveways, paths and garden buildings.
  • As a filling product in construction

Technical information

  • Supplied in 800kg bulk bags (nominal weight)
  • 600L per bulk bag (0.6m3) - Once compacted this will give approx 0.4m3
  • Colours: white to grey
  • Usage Conversion: one bulk Bag will cover ≈ 8m2 at 50mm deep
  • As it is a blend the colour may vary slightly