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J Shaped Steel Ground Pegs for Fencing | 50 Pack

(SKU: 434965)

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SKU 434965
Weight 1.6kg
Length 300mm
Lifespan 15+ Years
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Features and benefits

  • 300mm long steel ground pegs - extra long to securely anchor the fencing to the ground¬†
  • Galvanised steel to protect the pegs from rust and corrosion¬†
  • Supplied in packs of 50¬†
Qty Unit price
3+ £15.19
6+ £14.79
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Full specification

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SKU 434965
Weight 1.6kg
Length 300mm
Lifespan 15+ Years

Further information

Heavy-duty steel ground pegs are used to secure steel wire and plastic fencing to the ground. These pegs are 300mm long with a J-shape for pinning down the bottom of stock and wire fencing.

Fencing ground pegs are similar to a tent peg in design but are thicker, longer and stronger. Manufactured with galvanised steel, they are used to peg wire fencing to the ground to stop animals from digging under the fencing. These pegs are particularly useful when installing rabbit fencing, chicken runs and pet enclosures. If you are also installing perimeter agricultural fencing the pegs can also be used to keep wild animals out as well in.

Technical information

Fully protected galvanised steel to protect the pegs from rust and to give them an extra long life.