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GR14 Overflow Car Park - St. Davids, Pembrokeshire

Grass Pavers - Case Study

View Grass Reinforcement Mesh Technical Documents


Dr Sarah Beynon, a well-known scientist and naturalist, wanted to open an educational centre dedicated to the marvels of bugs and insects. Dr Beynon had purchased a farm in the picturesque area of St Davids in SW Wales to develop this idea.

Whilst she wanted to attract as many visitors as possible, parking needed to be considered - and she didn't want to lay tarmac or concrete. The centre is set in many acres in a beautiful and protected part of South Wales, so planning for hardstanding car parking spaces was likely to be difficult at best.

Not only this, but it wouldn't have fit in with the settings and character of the centre, so Dr Beynon wanted to maintain grass cover.


The solution proposed to meet the demands of the client was GR14 grass reinforcement mesh. A grass field was selected that was suitable regarding access, location and drainage. The GR14 mesh was directly laid onto the existing grass, then pinned to the ground. The entire installation was completed over several days.


Dr Beynon now has an overflow car park that the centre can call upon during peak times. The grass reinforcement mesh was installed at a fraction of the cost and disturbance of installing hardstanding car parking.

No extra drainage was needed and the installation was compliant with SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems), with all the water percolating into the natural aquifer and no runoff.

The GR14 grass reinforcement mesh gave an enhanced and stronger footprint that enabled the area to withstand the required workloads. The plastic reinforcement mesh spreads the weight of vehicles and other traffic and protects the grass roots, limiting grass wear, rutting and muddy car parks.

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