How deep should a concrete fence post be in the ground?
As a rough guide, fence post holes should be a minimum 1/3 the height of the fence. For example, a 6ft fence would need an 8ft post in a 2ft deep hole. Read our Concrete Fencing Installation Guide for more tips.
Should fence posts be set in concrete?
Yes. We advise setting fence posts in post mix concrete and holding in position or propping up the post for a few minutes until the post mix has started to set, depending on its setting time.
How far apart do you put fence posts?
For standard fence panels that are 6ft wide, fence posts should be set at 1.83m intervals.
How tall should a fence be for a 6 foot fence?
For a 6ft fence above ground, use 8ft concrete fence posts, with 5ft closeboard fence panels and 1ft (305mm) concrete gravel boards. This allows for 1/3 of the post to be set below ground.