Q: What is gabion limestone rocks?
Gabions are cages, cylinders, or boxes filled with rocks. Gabion stones make walls and landscaping elements aesthetically appealing while still being structurally sound. You can add a unique, rustic look to your garden by building a gabion wall or using gabion baskets as design elements.
Q: What is a gabion basket?
Gabion baskets are the wire mesh used to contain your chosen material. You can choose different baskets to make the wall or decorative element, including varying sizes and even curved cages to create an interesting line. Most baskets are made of galvanized steel and are coated with Galfan to last up to fifty years. Gabion baskets come as flatpacked that you can contstruct and fill on your own.
Q: How many rocks will fill a gabion basket?
You’ll order the rocks needed to fill a gabion basket in cubic meters, so you have to calculate the volume of your basket first. Multiply the basket’s width, height, and depth to get the volume. For example, a 500mm cube would be 500 x 500 x 500 – 0.125 m3. You would need 0.125 cubic metres of limestone rock to fill your basket
If you’re unsure of the math, you can use our online gabion stone calculator
Q: Can I use limestone rocks in my pond?
Limestone provides nutrients to the fish and plant life of a pond. It can also filter the water by absorbing the excess salt.